It's true. I could have died. I was in the kitchen doing some dishes when a guy just like the one pictured above came scurrying towards me with ill intent written all over his 8,000,000 wiggly legs. I'm pretty sure you heard me scream. Thankfully, I had the hot water on so I grabbed the spray hose and scalded him to death. Centipedes have always been my worst bug. I have a long history with them, and none of it good. Then there's this guy. The seventeen year cicada. Since my run-in with him back in Waynesburg in the mid-90s I've dubbed him the devil-bug. Look at those beady blood red eyes. Nothing good can come of this. Nothing. My friend in North Carolina announced that her area is due for a visit from these creatures this year. I was planning to surprise her with a visit. That will now wait until 2014 And down here I was going to put a picture of the massive spider that was plotting my death last week. It was in the toilet. On the water. Waiting to kill me. Ple...
Life is hard but God is good