If I could go back in time and change any one thing it would be to stay out of debt. Granted, there were some things that were out of our control in the early days. In one year we needed a new septic tank, a new furnace, and we didn't know that our taxes were not included in our mortgage. This all happened in our first year and a half of marriage. That is not a good way to start out. I wish that Dave Ramsey had written Total Money Makeover twenty years earlier. I wish that we had not indulged in so many lunch buffet meals at T he Nittany Lion Inn. I wish that we hadn't felt like we needed to get everyone expensive Christmas presents. From Sears. Because we had a store credit card. I wish someone had told me that if I didn't have the cash for something then I didn't need to buy it. Want to save your marriage? Want to eliminate stress from your home? Stay out of debt. Does it really matter if you buy that new gadget? It doesn't. You don't need it...
Life is hard but God is good